Saturday, February 9, 2013

Finding Her Voice

Fall has never been one to sing along to a song, dance, or sing on her own, until recently. It feels like a mini miracle to me. My youngest is always singing and dancing, and to me that just feels like inner happiness coming out of her. I wish for that for Fall too. Before Christmas she asked for a karaoke machine. I was shocked. Seriously, I was shocked. If you put her on the spot she melts. My hubby and I talked it over because this was a rather large purchase, definitely making it one of her "big gifts". If it was something she really wanted we would be happy to get it for her. She didn't let up, asking every single day. Then, we go buy it, and of course the next day she says she changed her mind. Well, great. Ha! We kept it anyways in hopes that she would still use it. I am SO happy to say she LOVES to hear her own voice! It fills me with joy to hear her singing up in her room. She begs her sister to join in, and then I get to hear them singing together. Sometimes she sings songs from memory, no music, and that is a special treat. I won't say she has a future in singing professionally, but who cares! She is having fun, and being free and confident. That is all this mommy can ask for.

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