Monday, March 7, 2011

We have a diagnosis

We struggled hard for months, if not years. In and out of doctor's offices, speaking with people at school (both preschool and now Kindergarten), calling hospitals and clinics to get our child some sort of testing. Finally, we have found the right path. Our little Fall is being tested through the district. They are running an entire Neuro-educational battery of tests, as well giving her a consult with the Occupational Therapist, and modifying a lot of her work. We got a referral from the teacher for a doctor that specializes in behavioral issues and were finally given the diagnosis of Asperger's Disorder.

I guess you could say it started as early as eight months of age. Fall wouldn't let anyone but her father and I near her, God forbid they tried to hold her. In crowded rooms she would just cry. At the doctor's office she would just cry. She didn't walk until 15 months, and she didn't run or jump until well past her second birthday. I noticed her eyes wandering out when she was an infant. Things just didn't add up. She is special though, and I don't mean that in a Special NEEDS way, I mean she is wonderfully kind, and so nurturing. I don't know if this is a learned behavior (I'd like to think so, but doubt it). She is an old soul. People have always said she has the kindest soul. Thats her trait, the one that you see and love FIRST. She is quiet, and reserved, my mellow baby. Always content to watch the world around her, learn the scenery and plan before delving in. She is wonderfully imaginative, but in her own world most of the time. Forever lining things up, and pretending to be the teacher to her "students". Never comfortable to be watched, never performing any of her interesting skills. She wrote all the letters of her name at 18 months, and lined them up nicely by two. Coloring was not her "thing", rather she would draw neat lines, circles, or letters all over her papers. She was like Van Gogh though, and could paint masterpieces Always intriguing me with the neat strokes she used, so unlike other children her age. I never worried that something (other than her eyes) was wrong. Not until she entered preschool. Thats when the proverbial poo hit the fan. I'll get into that next time...