Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Realizing there was a problem

When Fall started preschool it became apparent that she wasn't the average three year old. She had some definite attachment issues. Every time I dropped her off she would cry hysterically, then cling to the teacher for the entire three hours. The teacher was so kind, you could tell she was frustrated, but they held her tight but also gave her room to grow when they knew she was capable. By the end of the year she would cry when I left, and still didn't join in any activities without prompting, but she was happy about going once she was there and settled. By her four year old year, she was doing much better with going into the class sans tears, and she would even sign herself in, but by the middle of the year we started hearing that she would probably need another year, she just wasn't as mature as the other kids. When the conversations went deeper we learned that she wouldn't do any of the activities, and would often just stare into space. I knew staring was a problem for us, but I thought maybe she was just tuning us out. We decided to take a closer look, and took her to a neurologist. They ran an EEG, looking for seizures, which came back negative. Then we looked at her eyes, since she was also covering them quite frequently. We learned she was having some pretty debilitating problems there, one eye was wandering out causing her double vision, so she went in a few times, did some computer therapy at home, and finally had her second eye surgery. We thought we had finally fixed the problem. Only that wasn't the end of her struggles.. More next time..

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