Monday, January 21, 2013

Looking back...

A friend wrote me this weekend asking me about Aspergers, Autism, and developmental disorders. She wanted to know if she could send me some stories about her son, could I look them over and help her decide if he needed help. Of course, wanting to help, I went back and forth with her over email. The entire time we were writing all of the memories of that era in our lives came flooding back to me. Fall's fourth and fifth years of life were probably some of the most painful years of my life. The pain of admitting that our child was not a typical, well developing child was almost too much to bear. We prayed, begged, pleaded and cried for the ease of a normal life for our baby. "Please take this pain and frustration away from our sweet child" was my daily plead to God. Looking back, I realize now that these were the years where things were going to turn around for her. These were the years where we built her a foundation in her education, we laid some ground rules on how she should be taught, what she should receive modifications for and what she was capable of. We figured out how to help her deal with her eyes, and how to handle her when she just couldn't deal anymore.
Life is not going to be easy for her, we know this and we struggle every day accepting the challenges she may face. The good news is that instead of praying to make her "normal", we now pray to help her face her struggles with strength and determination. Don't take away who she is, just please make her stronger and better for the challenges she faces.

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